Saturday, May 03, 2008

Aviator Angel

Saturday morning and it's a bit dreary today...windy and cloudy. A good day for tea and a book on the couch. But I'll be in my studio for most of the day. It's crunch time for a lot of artists I think. It is for me! It's always a struggle to keep the wolf from the door, so I've been offering bargain prices, running sales and auctions with low opening bids on eBay hoping to create some traffic. Sometimes it seems like I'm spread a bit too thin...the hours are long and the pay...well, don't get me started. But I love to paint, so here I am!

I've got a couple of new pieces I've just posted on my website. I found a few old frames in the basement that I painted with my favourite shade of green over a crackle finish. Looks nice and aged. Once yard sale season starts I plan to collect some more old frames...I love the way they finish off a folk piece.

This one is called Aviator Angel. The outside frame dimensions are 15 x 19 inches.

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