Friday, May 23, 2008

Clotheslines and Rain Showers

What a gorgeous day it's been! Everything is so fresh and green and I actually had laundry dry on the clothesline...well, it has been there since yesterday and did get caught in the rain at least four times yesterday. But today it is gloriously dry and smelling that wonderful out door smell!

I've got a couple of new pieces finished, these were scanned rather than photographed so the quality of the pics may not be quite as good but I've missed the sun so they'll have to do.

This one is called "Teddy Time". I listed it at auction on eBay yesterday, already a bid - Yeah!

This little Frida is also for auction on eBay.

I don't think I'll ever get tired of painting Frida...

*All image rights reserved © Wendy Ryan *


  1. Of course I love your Frida and I really like the other one as well. It's so fairy-tale like!

  2. Your Fridas keep coming each one a little gem. I love your art and have not forgotten our deal.
    Have a great summer.
