Thursday, June 05, 2008

Glitter and Art Deco!

I can't be the only one out there old enough to remember "glitter paint kits". I've heard they're quite collectible these days. Back in the 1960's these sparkly paint by number kits were absolutely magical to a little farm girl like I was. And I remember it was the year that I snooped around and found my Mom's Christmas stash. And yes, I ultimately got caught. I do recall that Christmas really wasn't as much fun knowing what I would find under the tree.

Well today's first painting is my own glitter collage painting. It's a sweet little mermaid who has decided to set her basket of fish free! I seem to be on a theme here...yesterday a basket of butterflies and today the fishes...maybe it will make us all more conscious of the need to conserve and take only what we really need...

And for those of you who read my blog, you know that tomorrow is my first summer show, you can find all the info for this and my other shows on my website. And as I mentioned earlier in the week, I've been finishing all the paintings that have been lurking in the corners of my studio. I did pretty well, so thought I'd share them with you too.

This one is called "You Will Remember". It's acrylic on a large 12 x 36 in wooden box frame. The border is done in a sort of faux verdi gris finish. It's a romantic piece I think.

Another romantic woman done in my à la Klimt style in gold and acrylics on 16 x 20 in box frame. It's called "Touch of Romance".

More Klimt influence in this Frida piece. It's a large 18 x 36 in canvas and called "Out of Gold". I've used gold and silver leaf as well as coloured metallic paints.

And finally, one more Frida à la Klimt. I called this one Asian Accents. It's also 18 x 36 in canvas in gold and coloured metallic paints...quite jewel like I think.

And now, I'm off to pack up for the show!

All image rights reserved © Wendy Ryan

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