Sunday, June 22, 2008

Never Caught Up!

With less than a week left before the Cobourg Waterfront Festival I'm spending long hours at my paints. I have a number of new pieces all set to take pictures of...if I can dash out during a sunny break from these rain showers that seem to roll in every hour. Perhaps later today.

And I have to tell you about my June Nibblefest entry on eBay. As you may recall, I participate in a art contest once at month with a number of really fine artists. It's a themed contest, this month the theme is "Out of the Mist" and all entries must start at the low opening bid of $0.99. The auction closes on June 27th so you still have lots of time. Have some fun, try a bid or two!

It's another collage piece with lots of glitter and sparkles!

*All image rights reserved © Wendy Ryan *

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link Wendy! Cute piece!
