Sunday, July 13, 2008

Madonna Icon Revisited

Sunday night and time to clean my brushes and turn this machine off! I've been working on a few commissions these past few days. One is a gift so of course I can't share it until after the surprise is delivered.
But I can share this's a recreation of one of my previous pieces...a little tweak here and a little tweak there and it's a brand new piece. I've sent a pic off to the collector and they are delighted. This is the best music to my ears.

I loved painting this one...reminds me of pre and early Renaissances. I used lots of texture and gold leaf. Tomorrow, after it's glazed, I'll add a few Swarovski crystals.

*All image rights reserved © Wendy Ryan *


  1. It's beautiful Wendy! I love the color of her skin.

  2. This is absolutely amazing work, I love the skin tone.. like plaster. Happy to have stumbled across your blog :)

    sam x

  3. Wow...this is SO beautiful. I love it!Nice to meet you and your blog is lovely!~
