Saturday, September 20, 2008

Frida, Trotsky and the CBC

Even though I'm not able to be there, I'm so happy to see the sun shining on the Old Ottawa South Arts and Music Festival... Well, the sun was shining when I started this post. It is late summer after all so we have to expect that that soft breeze blowing may bring a few clouds.

For those of you who are radio addicts like myself, you'll understand my incredible sense of loss over the replacement of several familiar shows and personalities on my beloved national broadcaster CBC 2. It seems the management at CBC Radio have decided that it was time for a radical makeover. I'm sad, no, I'm heartbroken to say that after many years my dial is no longer tuned to CBC 2, at least not Monday to Friday. So my kitchen radio is now set to CBC Radio One. Oh yes, I miss the lovely mix of world, jazz, roots and classical music that once kept me company. But with any luck, CBC One will at least connect me to what is Canada...I hope. And yesterday, thanks to Ottawa Morning I discovered a fabulous photo artist living and working here in Ottawa! Check out Genevieve Thauvette. It was all background chatter until I heard the words "Frida and Trotsky". So, if you're anywhere near Ottawa, visit the Dale Smith Gallery to see her amazing interpretation of the self portrait.

With Frida on my mind's the latest in my "Frida à Klimt" series.

It's called "Moments Remembered" on 16 x 16 in canvas.

*All Image Rights Reserved © Wendy Ryan *


  1. I am Canadian and I too am so disheartened with the changes at CBC Radio Two. The only reason for me to tune in now is for Saturday Afternoon at the Opera.

    Nice Frida painting.

  2. Oh, it is sad isn't it? Thank goodness for the weekend programming at least. I so miss how the previous hosts and programs made me feel connected to other listeners. I miss the stories and request on “Here’s To You”…I miss how Studio Sparks and Disc Drive made me feel like I was right there in the studio in real time…and I could go on and on…I feel like I’ve been betrayed by an old and beloved friend. And judging by the comments on the CBC blog, we’re not alone. I do hope CBC management listens.

  3. Hi From a fellow Canadian...
    I agree that the changes we are experiencing are not always a step forward.... Why can't they just leave well enough alone!!!!!!!
    I love your style of painting..Frida is a beautiful piece.
    Have a great day
    Maggie waving from Ingersoll ontario.

  4. Hi Maggie!
    Thanks for stopping by and sharing in my CBC lament. I hope you've made your voice heard. I've contacted them with my concerns. Here's hoping someone is listening. And thanks for the kind words. Hope the sun is shining in Ingersoll! - Wendy

  5. My friend knows Esteban Volkov, Trotsky's grandson. He says Trotsky had an affair with Frida.

    I saw the Frida exhibit in Minneapolis.

  6. To quote Carlos Fuentes, found in his introduction to The Diary of Frida Kahlo, she was a woman of "...infinite variety." - Wendy
