Friday, May 30, 2008

The End of A Beautiful Month

May and June are my favourite months...I love the trees that bloom in early May, the scent of apple blossoms that give way to lilacs as the month travels on. I've had a gorgeous lilac bouquet in the kitchen counter for the past week, but it's now time to toss them in the composter. And finally, it has been warm enough this past week to empty that composter and plant some basil and a few tomato plants. With a small yard and a big do, my vegetable gardening is limited to containers.

May has proven to be a productive time, which is good. With three shows in June, the next month is going to fly. I'm a bit behind in posting pics, but I have updated my website so you can always find my work there. So here are a few from the past little while that I think I missed on my blog.

This one is a collage, acrylic on 8 x 10 in canvas.

And another Frida.

And I call this one "Never Mind The Birdhouse".

*All Image rights reserved Wendy Ryan *

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