Sunday, June 01, 2008

Art in The Park Around the Corner!

Last night I looked around at all the paintings that are nicely started, almost finished, and those that should never be finished and soon realized I need some organization and discipline to get my creative life in order. Sometimes there's nothing like a big brush, a can of gesso and a good strong stroke to put things in perspective. Aside from painting over a few canvases, I did make some other small advances today. I finished a couple of small paintings and put the final touches on a small commission that I can't share just yet, 'cause it's a gift.

But there is so much work left to do before my first outdoor show, Art in The Park right here in Ottawa that I'd better dash.

But thought I'd share the little piece that can be shared and get a little more work done before it's time for bed. This piece is a collage and acrylic on 8 x 10 in canvas. It's hard to see, but the crowns are done in a deep metallic gold. It's called "What Dynasty Is This?".

And before I forget, I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who have subscribed to my humble little blog. Thanks a bunch!

*All image rights reserved Wendy Ryan*

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