Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Autumn's Here - Well Almost

Even before the calender tells us it is officially Fall, there's no escaping it, Autumn is undeniably here. Before we close up the ponds for the winter, I thought I'd share one last shot of the gorgeous foliage.

As I made dinner tonight, the radio played the plaintive sounds of Hawksley Workman's "Autumn's Here", the perfect accompaniment to my thoughtful mood.

"...Auntumn's here
It's time to cry now

I think that ghosts like
The cooler weather
When leaves turn colour
They get together
And walk along
These old back roads
Where no one lives
And no one goes
With all their hopes set
On the railway
That never came
So no one stayed
I guess that autumn
Gets you remembering
And the smallest things
Just make you cry...."

~ Hawksley Workman


  1. Wendy,
    Your pond is beautiful!

  2. Lovely blog...just found it,

  3. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Nice pond from

  4. Thanks all for the kind words on the pond. Today might just be the day that we turn off the pump and say goodbye to the sound of water tumbling down the rocks...we've had a couple of frosts and more to come for sure. -Wendy
