Friday, October 17, 2008

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

Today is International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

It would have slipped right by me had I not turned on CBC Newsworld just in time to catch an interview with Mia Farrow, who is currently drawing attention to the plight of Haitians following those four recent storms that devastated that tiny country. It's a good day to do something good...even something that may seem too small to matter...

Just take the time to click on the The Hungersite to help provide food to the hungry. It's a fabulous site, well worth the time.

"The campaign to make poverty history-a central moral challenge of our age-cannot remain a task for the few, it must become a calling for the many. On this International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, I urge everyone to join this struggle. Together, we can make real and sufficient progress towards the end of poverty."

United Nations Ex-Secretary-General, Kofi Annan
"Excerpts taken from his message to be delivered on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, 17 October 2006".

All this reminds me, it's high time I put a Hungersite widget on my blog...

And yes, in case you're wondering, I do still paint. I've had this one on my little table top easel - almost finished - for the last couple of weeks.

*All Image Rights Reserved Wendy Ryan*


  1. Just pop in to say, I sent an email ;).

    I'm still speechless :).

  2. Hello Wendy, you won't be surprise that I love this paint. It's like the little sister of our. I jope everything is great for you.... I create my blog finally!!! I let you know.

  3. I want to see what you have been working on. ( :

  4. Wendy
    Hi, thanks for the link.
    It's good to focus our energies on poverty and hunger. It's astounding that people still starve in our world.
