Saturday, August 11, 2007

August Already?

The Buyers Market show is now history and I'm back in my little studio painting and printing and wondering where did the summer go? Already August, the days noticeably shorter and cicadas doing their daily serenade. We're off tomorrow to set up for one last trade show,By Hand in Toronto. I think the best part of these trade shows is getting out there and meeting other artists...I learn so much from my colleagues, both in terms of creativity and the business of art.

I call this one "3 Argyle Avenue". It's been on my easel for weeks and I finally finished it this afternoon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wendy -
Please never apologize about the length of time between your postings. Brevity is the soul of wit, according to Willy the Shake and your entries are pithy and interesting, making your blog one of the rare few that's truly worth reading! (And when in doubt, don't blog, paint! :)

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